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- ;-------T-------T------------------------T---------------------------------;
- ;This demo will open a screen, based on the parameters in an external object
- ;file. This allows a VERY high level of external editing that will alter
- ;how this program behaves, without having to reassemble it.
- ;
- ;This feature is highly important as it allows up to 100% configurability of
- ;your game, which previously has only been available to applications using
- ;libraries such as MUI. However, it is even more powerful than this as
- ;graphic artists could not only create new datasets for your game, but also
- ;alter the dimensions, colours, resolution, attributes (and more) of your
- ;Bobs and Screens. Support for code segments is also available, so
- ;external functions could be altered and improved by programmers. This will
- ;ensure that your game has a long lasting future as it keeps up with current
- ;technology and additions to GMS.
- ;
- ;I hope you make the most of external objects, its worth it!
- INCDIR "GMSDev:Includes/"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- INCLUDE "files/objects.i"
- INCLUDE "modules/objects.i"
- SECTION "Objects",CODE
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Start: MOVEM.L A0-A6/D1-D7,-(SP)
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea OBJFileName(pc),a0
- moveq #ID_OBJECTFILE,d0
- CALL Load
- move.l d0,ObjectBase
- beq .Exit
- ;Open the objects module.
- lea ObjModTags(pc),a0 ;a0 = Module tags.
- sub.l a1,a1 ;a1 = No container.
- CALL Init ;>> = Initialise Cards Interface.
- tst.l d0 ;d0 = Check for error.
- beq .Exit ;>> = Error, exit.
- move.l d0,a0 ;a0 = Card module.
- move.l MOD_ModBase(a0),OBJBase ;ma = Store jump table.
- ;Load the file, then start
- ;getting our objects.
- move.l OBJBase(pc),a6
- move.l ObjectBase(pc),a0 ;a0 = Object Base.
- lea TXT_ScreenName(pc),a1 ;a1 = The name of the object to get.
- CALL PullObject ;>> = Get our GameScreen object.
- move.l d0,Screen ;a0 = Screen tags of our object.
- beq .Exit ;>> = Quit if error.
- move.l OBJBase(pc),a6
- move.l ObjectBase(pc),a0 ;a0 = Object Base.
- lea TXT_PictureName(pc),a1 ;a1 = The name of the object to get.
- CALL PullObject ;>> = Get our GameScreen object.
- move.l d0,Picture ;>> = Picture tags of our object.
- beq.s .Exit ;>> = Quit if error.
- ;Initialise the screen.
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a0 ;a0 = Screen tags
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init ;>> = Initialise the screen.
- tst.l d0 ;ma = Save pointer to the GameScreen.
- beq.s .Exit ;>> = Quit if error.
- ;Initialise the picture.
- move.l Picture(pc),a0
- move.l Screen(pc),a1
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a0),a2
- move.l GS_MemPtr1(a1),BMP_Data(a2)
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l SCRBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- move.l Picture(pc),a1
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a0),a2
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a1),a1
- move.l BMP_Palette(a1),BMP_Palette(a2)
- CALL scrUpdatePalette
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- moveq #ID_JOYDATA,d0 ;Get joydata structure for reading
- CALL Get ;port 0.
- move.l d0,JoyData
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l d0,a0 ;Initialise the joydata structure.
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Display
- bsr.s Main
- .Exit move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Picture(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l ObjectBase(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l ObjModule(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A6/D1-D7
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Main: move.l SCRBase(pc),a6
- CALL scrWaitAVBL
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Query
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- move.l JD_Buttons(a0),d0
- btst #JB_LMB,d0
- beq.s Main
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===========================================================================;
- Screen: dc.l 0
- Picture: dc.l 0
- JoyData: dc.l 0
- ObjectBase: dc.l 0
- OBJBase: dc.l 0
- OBJFileName: FILENAME "GMS:demos/data/Screen.obj"
- TXT_ScreenName: dc.b "Screen",0
- even
- TXT_PictureName dc.b "Picture",0
- even
- ObjModTags: dc.l TAGS_MODULE
- ObjModule: dc.l 0
- dc.l MODA_Name,ObjName
- dc.l TAGEND
- ObjName: dc.b "objects.mod",0
- even
- ;===========================================================================;
- ProgName: dc.b "Screen Object",0
- ProgAuthor: dc.b "Paul Manias",0
- ProgDate: dc.b "February 1998",0
- ProgCopyright: dc.b "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.",0
- ProgShort: dc.b "Screen Object demonstration.",0
- even